The Best Way to Support Small Businesses is Easier Than You Think.
Small businesses – especially new businesses – are usually hurting for customers. They’re hurting for clients, patients, buyers, purchasers, shoppers, consumers, and patrons.
Your status as a regular, a frequenter, or a habitué is greatly appreciated (though in the case of The Longhair Lawyer’s services, let’s hope it’s because you’re a dealmaker and not a dealbreaker). However, if you really want to help a business you adore, there is just one more step to take.
Get yourself one of those t-shirts or ballcaps they have stacked on the shelf behind the register. Be a walking, talking billboard for them! Merchandise is easy, affordable, and accessible. Every small business should be using merchandise as a marketing tool and every person should feel free to represent the brands they love!
I've been selling merchandise on this website for over a year now. I can confidently say I've lost money in sales. The time it's taken to set everything up in a manner compliant with state and local tax, was a total pain … BUT it's all worth it! It's worth it because people see other people wearing the brand. They ask about the brand. They follow the brand. They inquire about the services the brand provides. It's really that simple.
I'd love to see everyone repping The Longhair Lawyer but it's not for everyone. That said, there is something for everyone!
Maybe it's the coffee shop down the street. Maybe it's the boutique you like. Maybe it's the niche YouTuber you follow for DIY videos. Maybe it's a tattoo shop you went to.
Whatever it is, the next time you're thinking, "Wow, this business is so cool," buy that merchandise. Become a self-appointed brand ambassador! The owner of that business will appreciate it more than you can imagine.
– Tyler O’Brien –